Loop Driver Module LDM


Approval: EN 54-16

Loop driver module compatible with the VARIODYN ONE system. It allows the connection and monitoring of loop-style speaker circuits. Predisposed to be installed on a DIN rail (C bar). One LDM per Loop is required. RS-485 protocol for interfacing to the VARIODYN INC (Intelligent Network Controller).

  • Increased safety compared to spur cabling
  • Fully redundand 100 V loop wiring system technology
  • Extensive topologies are possible
  • Silent monitoring of speaker loop
  • EN 54-16 certified

Additional Information:
Please consider that the amplifier 4XD125B (585030) and 4XD250B (585031) are not compatible with the loop technology!

Current consumption
200 mA (short circuit peak current < 2A)
Weight approx. 700 g
W: 150 mm H: 55 mm D: 110 mm
RS-485 baud rate
19200 bps
19200 bps
RS-485 End of Line Resistor
120 Ω
120 Ω
Maximum amplifier input voltage
100 Vrms
Maximum amplifier rated current
5 Arms
DC output voltage range
20 V DC… 30 V DC
Maximum DC output current
300 mA
Threshold for LIM Enablement / Disablement
Line voltage difference <1V /Line voltage difference >1V and reset signal is received
585342 Loop Isolator Modul LIM